Biodiversity Net Gain, Ecosystem Services Statements & Nutrient Neutrality

Biodiversity Checklists and Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) calculations are designed to assist applicants in providing the relevant biodiversity information with their planning application. They include those for Nutrient Neutrality (nitrates) and European Site Avoidance & Mitigation Checklists for those applications in the Solent catchment area. In the South Downs National Park, a Ecosystem Services Statement (ESS) may need to be completed.

As part of 1APP, the National Application Form, the submission of a biodiversity survey and report should be listed in your local planning application requirements. However, if you haven’t been forewarned, it is still a requirement for validation. Applicants are strongly advised to use the relevant Local Planning Authority checklist in order to adhere to the minimum standards expected to enable registration of your application.

All Local Authorities have a legal duty to consider the conservation of biodiversity when determining a planning application. Government planning policies for biodiversity are set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

Planning applications that may affect protected species or important habitats require submission of survey and assessment information to show how the proposed development can be adapted to prevent harm.

If a proposed development could have impacts on biodiversity, and the submission of further information is indicated by the response to this checklist, supporting information must be submitted with your application. As the Biodiversity Checklist states, if any of the information submitted proves to be inadequate, the application is likely to be refused. We can help you avoid these difficult situations by completing checklists on your behalf at highly competitive rates.

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